Rio de Jainero, Brazil: Latimpacto Annual Impact Investing Conference

Alix Lebec joined Latimpacto's 2023 “Impact Minds Standing Together” in Rio de Janeiro in August. Latimpacto is a network that brings together around 200 impact investors who provide human, intellectual and financial capital in Latin America. Its work is based on maximizing the impact of its members through innovative knowledge, partnerships and collaborations that allow a more strategic capital implementation.

Alix joined Wenyi Cai, Founder and CEO of Polymath Ventures, on stage, along with other influential fund managers. During a Polymath pitch session, Alix Lebec shared her journey in impact investing and why she is personally investing in Polymath as an LP. Latin America represents the world’s largest emerging market opportunity outside of China, with Brazil and Mexico expected to be among the top 6 economies in the world by 2050. Lebec is excited to see what they and so many other inspiring funds, investors, and entrepreneurs will do in the region and to meet the needs of 311 million emerging consumers from Patagonia to the northern border of Mexico.